Check out this website, and ask the creator for the codes you need !

Jewell's Cheat!

When you click onto the 'magical horses' tab on and then click on one of your horses, if you look at the web address it should have an 8 digit number on the end. Well Jewell figured that if you change that number, you can see MANY horses ! Below are some of the numbers that you need to change to get a different horse..
Nanna: 50082364
Thunder: 12345678 
Sweety: 12348765 
Shoshone: 12354678
Dart: 23145678 

Hecate: 23815608 
Empress: 34467854
Valkrist :34487563 

Anisinabe: 14725836
Leonardo: 35715985
Rain: 45678912
Hidatsa: 11111111
Ondine: 22222222
Santee: 12012012
Bella: 54135468
Wildflower: 21547844
Huron: 12854654
Nike: 54123554
Kora: 44966705
Get free bella sara card codes here !